Also known as fee-for-service plans, medical indemnity health insurance pays you a fixed amount for services such as $50 for a doctor visit. In this example, if you visit the doctor, the plan will give you $50, regardless of the bill for the actual visit.
When combined with other insurance, medical indemnity plans can help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses like copays and coinsurance. You can also purchase a medical indemnity plan as your only insurance or as part of an insurance package, but as with short-term health insurance, medical indemnity plans do not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and will not help you avoid any state tax penalties. Indemnity plans also typically do not cover preexisting conditions and may include per-incident, yearly, and/or lifetime benefit limits.
Medical indemnity plans are not right for everyone, but if you want help covering medical costs and expenses, they may be worth a second look.